The USPTO’s Patent Quality Chat webinar continues its 2018 series in March with “Subject Matter Eligibility: Guidance & Examination Resources”.
USPTO’s Deputy Commissioner for Patent Examination Policy, Bob Bahr, will be discussing available resources issued by the Office on subject matter eligibility, with an emphasis on the latest revision of the MPEP from January. The USPTO looks forward to hearing your feedback about the resources presented and your ideas for new ways USPTO can assist in your considerations of subject matter eligibility. Please send your input and questions to [email protected] (link sends e-mail) before and during the event.
This webinar is of interest to all those prosecuting patent applications and/or with interest in statutory compliance with 35 U.S.C. § 101.
No registration is necessary to attend. The Patent Quality Chat webinar series is presented as a part of USPTO’s continuous efforts to improve patent quality. Sign up info here.