I presented “Registering Copyrights” to the Milford Bar Association on 2-20-2025

I am happy to announce that made a presentation to the Milford Bar Association on “Registering Copyrights” yesterday.    I spoke about what copyrights are, who can own them, and how to register a copyright at copyright.gov.   For more information on the Milford Bar Association, go here.

I will be presenting on “Registering Copyrights” for the Milford Bar Assocation

I am happy to announce that on Thursday February 20, 2025 at 3:30 pm I will be presenting a talk on “Registering Copyrights” to the Milford Bar Association (MBA).   Member of the MBA are welcome to come at the Irish Heritage Society located on 131 Bridgeport AV, Milford, CT.   More information on the MBA can be found here.

Milford Bar Association Bar-B-Que was a big success

I attended the Milford Bar Assocation bar-b-que yesterday.  It was great catching up with old friends and new friends of the Milford Bar in a relaxed outdoor environment.  I am pretty sure I was the only patent attorney there!

The Milford Bar Association has been in existence since 1976. When it was originally formed, there were approximately 28 lawyers, not enough to fill up one page of the yellow pages advertisement. Currently there are 130 dues paying members of the Milford Bar Association, as well as over 50 exempt members consisting of the judiciary, court clerks, prosecutors, public defenders, and city attorneys.  For more information on the Milford Bar Association, go here.

I am teaching a CLE on how to File a Trademark Application for the Milford Bar Association on June 9, 2020

I am happy to announce that on June 9, 2020 I will be teaching a continuing legal education class on “How to file a Federal Trademark Application at the USPTO”.  The class will be for members of the Milford Bar Association, and will help attorneys understand issues to consider prior to and when filing a trademark application, and the mechanics of filing a trademark application.  To join the Milford Bar Association go here.

Milford Bar Association Annual Holiday Party!

On Thursday, Dec 12, 2019, the Milford Bar Association will be hosting their annual Holiday Party at the Milford Elk’s Lodge!  I am looking forward to seeing my colleagues for this festive occasion!  More information on the Milford Bar Association can be found here, as well as members of the Milford Bar Association.

CLE on what Attorneys should know about Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights

I will be presenting “What Attorneys should Know about Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights”  to the Milford Bar Association for CLE credit.  The presentation will be Wednesday, September 25, 2019, from 3 PM to 5 pm at the Irish Heritage Society Building, located at 131 Bridgeport Avenue, Milford, CT 06460.

If you are a Milford Bar Association member, and want to attend, please RSVP with Erica Wikstrom at [email protected]

If you want to join the Milford Bar Association, go here for more information.