Milford Bar Association Bar-B-Que was a big success

I attended the Milford Bar Assocation bar-b-que yesterday.  It was great catching up with old friends and new friends of the Milford Bar in a relaxed outdoor environment.  I am pretty sure I was the only patent attorney there!

The Milford Bar Association has been in existence since 1976. When it was originally formed, there were approximately 28 lawyers, not enough to fill up one page of the yellow pages advertisement. Currently there are 130 dues paying members of the Milford Bar Association, as well as over 50 exempt members consisting of the judiciary, court clerks, prosecutors, public defenders, and city attorneys.  For more information on the Milford Bar Association, go here.

“Intellectual Property Basics for small Businesses” talk for the Women’s Business Development Council went very well!

About 30 people signed up for my talk on Intellectual Property Basics for Small Businesses. The talk happened on zoom on July 14, 2021.   I received lots of a good questions from the group of mostly women, and a few men.   To find more information about the Women’s Business Development Council, go  here.

Giving a talk on “Intellectual Property Basics for small Businesses” to the Women’s Business Development Council on July 14, 2021

I am happy to announce that I have been asked to a give a talk to the Women’s Business Development Council on Intellectual Property Basics for small businesses.   The talk will be on Wednesday, July 14, 2021 at noon on Zoom.   You can see more details and sign up here.

Entrepreneurs Society of Eastern Connecticut

Yesterday evening I attended the Entrepreneurs Society of Eastern Connecticut meeting entitled: ‘Grits2Gravy’ Entrepreneurial Keynote with Networking and Mentoring.  I met lots of young entrepreneurs.  The meeting was held at the courtyard of Housatonic College in Bridgeport.   To find out more about this group, go here.

Client obtains patent on invention that allows shooters to use a rifle in a prone position!

I would like to congratulate my client Jeffrey Blake of Milford, CT for obtaining a patent on his invention for a Rotating Buffer Apparatus.  The invention cures the problem of shooting different styles of rifles, including AR-15s, from a prone or lying down position.   The patent can be seen here.

I will be teaching a course on “Commercializing your Invention, October 1, 2020

I am teaching a course on “Commercializing your Invention” through Milford Adult Education.  You have an invention, now what?  Topics to be covered include: Can I make money with this invention, When to monetize, Investors, Do I need a prototype, How to license my invention and more.  The course will be offered on Thursday, October 1, 2020 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.  This course will be held online!  For more information and to register go here.