I will be attending the Inventors Association of Connecticut (IACT) Holiday Party this Sunday, Dec 22, 2019 at Fairfield Craft Ales, located in Stratford.  It will be great fun seeing local inventors at this festive time of the year.  The party is for members of IACT, if you are interested, please join IACT.  More information on joining IACT can be found here .

Milford Bar Association Annual Holiday Party!

On Thursday, Dec 12, 2019, the Milford Bar Association will be hosting their annual Holiday Party at the Milford Elk’s Lodge!  I am looking forward to seeing my colleagues for this festive occasion!  More information on the Milford Bar Association can be found here, as well as members of the Milford Bar Association.

I will be attending the Holiday Lunch hosted by the New Haven Chapter of Score

Tomorrow I will be attending the Holiday Lunch hosted by the New Haven Chapter of Score at Brazi’s Italian Restaurant in New Haven.

SCORE is a nonprofit association dedicated to educating entrepreneurs and helping small businesses start, grow, and succeed nationwide. SCORE is a resource partner with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), and has been mentoring small business owners for more than forty years.

Founded in 1964, SCORE is headquartered in Herndon, VA and has 364 chapters throughout the United States and its territories, with over 13,000 volunteers nationwide.

I donate my time to Score helping individuals with your inventions and trademarks, and other legal questions.

For more information about the New Haven Chapter of Score, go here.

23rd Connecticut Business Conference and Competition on December 6, 2019 at Gateway College, New Haven CT

I will be attending the Entrepreneurship Foundation next event tomorrow which will be the 23rd Connecticut Business Conference and Competition. The event will be held on December 6, 2019 at Gateway College,  Room N100, New Haven CT.  There will be $20,000 in startup grants and  $5,000 in startup services.  The event will have A. BUSINESS CONCEPT ELEVATOR PITCH; B. GLOBAL STUDENT ENTREPRENEUR AWARD; C. INNOVATION CHALLENGE; and D. DESIGNER and DEVELOPER COMPETITIONS and EXHIBITIONS.  More information can be found here.

Inventors Association of Connecticut November 26, 2019!

I will be attending the Inventors Association of Connecticut meeting tomorrow night, November 26, 2019 at Fairfield University.  Game and Toy inventor Mary Ellroy will be presenting on “Licencing Your Game and Toy Inventions”.  Mary will talk about investigating the successful ideation and go-to-market strategy that she used.  of a serial inventor and former IACT President, Mary Ellroy.  Mary Ellroy has been in the toy business since 1990, and is an inventor of toys and games and an agent for toy and game inventors. She comes to toy invention with a corporate marketing background. She received an MBA from the Boston College School of Management (now the Carroll School of Management at Boston College.) Past positions included a Director position at a Fortune 50 company, a vice presidency/ownership position in a newspaper advertising firm, and various advertising and media positions. Her creative accomplishments in consumer marketing inspired her to turn that creativity to toys and games.  More information on the meeting can be found here.

Entrepreneurs Society Meeting Nov 12, 2019 in Bridgeport

I will be attending the Entrepreneurs Society – Eastern Fairfield County Chapter in Bridgeport on Nov 12, 2019 at 5:30 pm at Housatonic Community College in Bridgeport, CT.   The meeting will include: Discussions with investors, attorneys, and industry experts in small groups around topics of common interest; plus one-on-one mentoring.  Pizza and Salad will be provided.  To sign up or learn more, go here.

Inventors Association of Connecticut October 25, 2019 meeting!

I attended the October 25, 2019 meeting of IACT at Fairfield University where Professor Robert Langer of MIT spoke.  Professor Langer gave a wonderful talk about his successes in combining engineering with medical treatment and cures.  In general, he was one of the first to combine the use of medicines in biodegradable plastics as a way to transmit medicines to humans.  Professory Langer has an incredible 1360 issued patents and pending applications in his name!  More information can be found here.

UCONN client receives Patent on System and method for issuing, authenticating, storing, retrieving, and verifying documents!

I would like to congratulate my University of Connecticut IP Clinic clients on receiving their patent on a “System and method for issuing, authenticating, storing, retrieving, and verifying documents”.  Eli  and Liwen Yaacoby were the inventors and their company Wymsical, Inc. of Greenwich, CT, is the owner of the patent.  The patent can be seen here.  These type of patents can be very difficult to get, since they deal with business methods after Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank International, 573 U.S. 208 (2014).

I made my first SCORE presentation today!

Today I  presented at a SCORE Pre-Business workshop.  SCORE provides expert mentoring and education to thousands of startup and existing businesses.  My topic was Legal Considerations for Small  Businesses.  The next local SCORE Pre-Business workshop is November 13, 2019 at Gateway Community College in New Haven.  More information can be found here.

CLE on what Attorneys should know about Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights

I will be presenting “What Attorneys should Know about Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights”  to the Milford Bar Association for CLE credit.  The presentation will be Wednesday, September 25, 2019, from 3 PM to 5 pm at the Irish Heritage Society Building, located at 131 Bridgeport Avenue, Milford, CT 06460.

If you are a Milford Bar Association member, and want to attend, please RSVP with Erica Wikstrom at [email protected]

If you want to join the Milford Bar Association, go here for more information.