Client receives important patent on Epidemic and Pandemic Prediction

Please congratulate my clients Joseph Bango and Connecticut Analytical Corporation of Bethany, CT on receiving a patent on their timely invention for a Method for analysis of aerosolized biological species in epidemic and pandemic prediction.   The patent can be seen here.


New patent for Atomizer issues!

I would like to congratulate my client Ali Abouzalam of Ft Collins, Colorado for receiving a design patent for his Atomizer.   The patent can be seen here.   Mr. Abouzalam sells e-nails and vaporizing sets through his company BEE-NAILS.  His website is here.

Boost Oxygen CEO receives new design patent on Oxygen Mask!

I would like to congratulate my client Rober Neuner, the CEO of Boost Oxygen, on receiving a design patent on his new mask design.  I filed and prosecuted Robert’s patent application with the USPTO, and the patent was issued in February of 2022.  The patent can be seen here.  Boost Oxygen and Robert Neuner were recently seen on the Shark Tank.  Boost Oxygen is headquartered in Milford, CT.

Clients obtain patent for Food Scale Invention

My clients Sylwester Sudol and Ireneusz Sudol from the Naugatuck  Valley Connecticut  recently received their Patent from the USPTO for their Food scale with adjustable brackets   I prepared, filed, and prosecuted the patent application on their behalf.   You can see the patent here.

Be wary of invention promotion and invention submission companies!

I was recently thinking about the television and internet advertisements I have seen recently for invention promotion and invention submission companies.  You know the ones, where they say “Do you have an invention, or product?” or “We can submit your product to companies!”

Please be careful.

I have had at least 4 or 5 clients come in after spending thousands of dollars with such companies, and who received very little in return.   Usually they get a beautiful hard-bound report that gives a short summary of their product or invention, then has a “market analysis” section that talks about how gigantic the market is for that product in the US or the world, and how they could possibly make hundreds of thousands or more if they pursue  their product or invention.   When I look at these pretty reports, this market analysis is almost always little more than boilerplate language with no real analysis of the client’s invention or product.   When I talk to the clients they invariably tell me that they only talked to a salesperson on the phone, and they salesperson says something like “If you want to take this product to the next step, you need to pay us ____ thousands of dollars”.    But they never talk to a patent attorney at the invention promotion company.

Numbers I have seen show that as little as 0.035% (that is less than 1/10 of 1 percent!) and up to 0.37% of clients of invention promotion companies ever make more than what they spend in fees to the invention promotion companies.   IPWATCHDOG  has an article on these percentages that can be seen here.

Making money on inventions is hard, but using invention promotion companies can end up costing you a lot of money with very little to show for it.

What I recommend for inventors to achieve success is that they generally have to do the leg work on their own.  They have to go out and hustle their inventions themselves, and get their products made and put on store shelves, or sold through the internet.  Paying a lot of money to an invention promotion company gives you well less than a 1% chance of making more money than you spend on fees.

If you talk to a registered patent attorney, they have a duty to give you honest counseling on the best way forward.   As a patent attorney, I take a critical look at all my clients’ inventions and give them my best advice on whether it is worth pursuing the invention.

New Patent Issued for Milford, CT Client!

My client Ronald J. Reuter was recently issued a United States Patent on his Mooring apparatus and system.  His patent can be seen here.  I prepared his patent application and prosecuted it to issuance at the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

I will be teaching Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights at Milford Adult Education, September 23 and 30

HI All,

I will be giving a 2 evening class on Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights at Milford Education on Thursday night September 23 from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm, and concluding on Thursday night September 30, from 6:30 pm to 8:00pm.    The classes will take place at Foran High School in Milford.   I will presenting an overview of Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights for new inventors, and business owners.   For more information, and to sign up go here.

I attended the Inventors Association of Connecticut Meeting on July 27, 2021

Yesterday, the Inventors Association of Connecticut (IACT) had their monthly meeting which I attended.   Bryan Mattimore was the speaker, and his topic was “Ways to Invent and Market Successful New Products”.   It was great seeing local inventors at the zoom meeting, and discussing inventing.   For more information about IACT go here.